Daily Archives: February 14, 2012

the moment is now: shaved brussels sprouts and toasted whole wheat israeli couscous with sour cherries & bacon

As I get older (–sob–), I am aspiring to make a conscious and deliberate effort to live more in the moment.  Not so much in the approach of being careless or making reckless decisions (no – that’s what college was for), but rather to direct my intentions towards savoring the time I am blessed with in the present, instead of always wishing to fast-forward my life to a point in time ahead of me still.

It’s a terrible affliction I think many people have, whether or not it’s realized.  That unfortunate habit of always lusting after another time and place; one that’s perceived to be more enjoyable than where we are just now.  Maybe it’s wearing blinders at work while focusing on a vacation that’s three weeks away, or wishing the time between now and the weekend to disappear, or even dwelling on just how much you wish you were wearing flip flops and cut-offs – four months from now.

And of course it’s perfectly fine to look forward to these things – after all, we all need some type of carrot in front of our noses to keep on keepin’ on – but what I’m trying to say is that I want to spend more time enjoying the view.  Rather than wishing my life away in a blur of weekends, vacations, and carefree moments, or than feeling overwhelmed about stretches of time without excitement, I want to focus on the little pockets of sparkle that dot our daily lives.  Instead of waking up on Tuesday with the a case of ‘I wish it was Fridays,’ I might as well roll over to the brighter side of the bed.

I may as well enjoy where I’m at.

Savor those few dusky moments in bed just before the alarm sounds, when the whole fam is in that blissful hazy-awake-but-not-really mode.  Spend an extra moment soaking in the neon sunrise, and take pleasure that the forecast is brimming with those golden rays.  Look forward to making a surprise dinner at home.  Be excited about a business meeting, and energized at it’s possibilities.  Paint my nails pink with gold glitter, just because I want to wear something sparkly.  Laugh at the pug chasing her tail.  Make a lemon pie.  

{but wait! there’s more…}